Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tercera Vida: Spare Lives

It's amazing how by reading other people's blogs you feel a little embarrassed, well, I least I do. Everyone has so many things to talk about and they receive so many comments. I am talking rubbish. My lives don't interest many people, if any. So boring and average. How can I fill the supposedly weekly, at least, post if I don't have a fuck all to say. I'm not going to talk about my kind of shitty job. Well, I could start saying that I am a bloody foreigner who is a civil servant; not naked. I was naked. Before the civil service stuff. And, the worst of all, I only write this shite when I'm really drunk or out of it. So be it.
How people can go on and on about things and then have their 5000 words worth of essay and I can't fucking make the hundred, I don't know. I guess my life is pretty boring. Probably I should talk about my earlier lives, when I believed in angels and all that stuff. Well, one day, when I am REALLY our of it, I think I will start something like that. At the moment, with my bloody broken English I can only do so much, but I don't feel like thinking in Spanish, I'll have time for that another time.
And now I'm trying to edit this post and I hate reading things I've done before. I fell so embarrassed! But, of course, because I was drunk back then, I have to revise all my mistakes. It's amazing how much your finger roam on the keyboard and click the wrong letters once and again, you convinced that your typing skills are second to none. The fact that all the troubles to publish don't make me feel at ease and don't make me feel better either, is making me realise that to write is not that important for me, not now. And then again I feel a little disappointed because, really deep inside, I wanted this to be my vehicle to the rest of the world. But being completely honest I had my suspitions about it anyway. I might take a rest and think what to do with all this mess.

And disappear for a while.


I. said...

Pues yo no le doy mayor importancia a mi blog, la verdad jaja. Será que estoy inmunizada al miedo escénico cibernetico tras tener myspace durante un año ya (eso, y el escribir sin pretensiones, solo boberías del día a día, tipo agenda -que para lo privado hay otros medios)
No se, creo que es una forma agradable de estar en contacto con los que no tienes cerca (los pocos que conocen mi blog viven todos fuera) asi que.. a mi me gusta leer sobre "tus vidas" y ver las fotos amigo ;)

Doctora Queer said...

Yo lo utilizo para poner por escrito los pensamientos que normalmente se pierden en una conversa con amigos, y la verdad es que lo disfruto...

La pata va poco a poco mejor, pero aún me queda un poco hasta volver a caminar normal y sin muletas.

Ánimo con el blog!