Sunday, July 23, 2006

Primera Vida

I was thinking of translating all the posts I was writing in Spanish into English, but this has proved far more difficult than I expected. So I'm not going to do it. It's not that I am a Spanish Jerome K. Jerome and my wit would be lost in translation. It's not that I can't be bothered. But I realised that what I wrote in Spanish was meant to be like that; it came out of me like that as these words are being written in English. So what I decided is that whenever I feel like thinking in any Language, that's the one I'll use. It's not that I'm a polyglot snob. Don't expect any Esperanto or Finnish sagas, just the basic English and the more-than-ever-fading Spanish I'm losing by the day.

My friends were saying that this is a very sad blog. Well, I decided to start this when I was very down. Only as a cheap therapy of letting all out. Did it work, is it working? I don't know. I think it is time what we all need. And my sister says that I write very well, which I doubt very much(I don't doubt the fact she believes I'm a good writer, bless her, only the fact that I am a good writer). The fact that I used to win all the composition prizes at school it doesn't mean anything, only that the other students' writing skills were worse than mine, not that I was better than them. I know the only thing she wants is to have is a rich and famous writer as a brother who can pay her mortgage. As I said just now, it is time we all need... And it won't be long until she realises that there is no chance of a free-mortgage house.

Well, it all started when our little pussycat disappeared. And that situation made me think about my life. So I'm going to talk about my lives. When I get to the ninth, well, I don't know if I'll get that far, we'll see what happens.

It's really weird how our lives connect to each other. There is a theory that any two people in the world are connected through no more than five other people (or is it six?) I don't know if it really works for everyone but I've tried a couple of times and it's worked. It's very interesting how your decisions shape your life. It is annoying when others' decisions shape your life. But it bloody happens. But eventually I think everything fits together. There was always a reason why we did that or they did that to you. The reason of me being here, wasn't primarily my choice (I'll talk about that another day). That it was really hard, I have to admit it was. But that I have got over that, I swear I have. And the best of it, I've learnt that whatever happened that day I decided to come here, that was the right decision.

I know it was because no matter how difficult this journey has been, I'm in the place I want to be. If I don't have many friends, it doesn't matter. The few ones I've got are good enough. If I don't have much money, well, who has? We always want more, don't we. If I haven't got a cat anymore, it will be very difficult to get rid of all her hair she shed all over the house, so she will be around for a while.

So there you are, this is my first life. It's funny to think that in here cats have nine lives, but in Spain they only have seven. I rather stay here, then.

1 comment:

Ricardo Oveja Roja said...

eh! que no he entendido casi nada, esto de los blogs bilingües. un besote!